Tag: spiritual

  • 170 – Jesus my Lord and Savior!

    Every Christian has heard or used the term “Jesus, my Lord and Savior! There are only five words to that statement, and yet those five words are the foundation of the entire New Testament. I think you would agree that as a Christian, I need to understand what the key three words, Jesus, Lord, and…

  • 170 – Jesus my Lord and Savior!

    Every Christian has heard or used the term “Jesus, my Lord and Savior! There are only five words to that statement, and yet those five words are the foundation of the entire New Testament. I think you would agree that as a Christian, I need to understand what the key three words, Jesus, Lord, and…

  • 168 Who Am I?

    As a Christian, it is important to know who you are! Today, there seems to be such an effort in the world to put everyone into a group or category. This suggests a real identity crisis in our cultures, societies, and countries. The Bible makes it very clear who we are: we are citizens of…

  • 168 Who Am I?

    As a Christian, it is important to know who you are! Today, there seems to be such an effort in the world to put everyone into a group or category. This suggests a real identity crisis in our cultures, societies, and countries. The Bible makes it very clear who we are: we are citizens of…

  • 167 How to be led by the Holy Spirit of God.

    How to be led by the Holy Spirit of God is of utmost importance. It represents the difference between working for the Lord or working with the Lord!  While working for the Lord may be a sincere effort to please the Lord, it is often a work the Lord has not asked us to do. Here is an important point: if…

  • 167 How to be led by the Holy Spirit of God.

    How to be led by the Holy Spirit of God is of utmost importance. It represents the difference between working for the Lord or working with the Lord!  While working for the Lord may be a sincere effort to please the Lord, it is often a work the Lord has not asked us to do. Here is an important point: if…