Tag: religion
146 Miracles of Jesus; Water into Wine!
Miracles, Signs, and Wonders. Throughout Christian history, miracles, signs, and wonders have been a part of the Christian experience. We know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; therefore, what was true in Jesus’ day is also true today. Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
146 The Miracles of Jesus; Water into Wine!
Miracles, Signs, and Wonders. Throughout Christian history, miracles, signs, and wonders have been a part of the Christian experience. We know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; therefore, what was true in Jesus’ day is also true today. Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
145 “We walk by Faith, not by Sight!”
Throughout Christian history, there have been people who believed in Jesus and those who rejected Jesus. The same is true today. It is frustrating and heartbreaking to share the Gospel only to find that the message of love, hope, and forgiveness falls on deaf ears. Even when Jesus walked the earth, there were those who…
145 We Walk by Faith, not by sight!”
“We Walk by Faith and not by Sight.” Throughout Christian history, there have been people who believed in Jesus and those who rejected Jesus. The same is true today. It is frustrating and heartbreaking to share the Gospel only to find that the message of love, hope, and forgiveness falls on deaf ears. Even when…
144 The Gospel: “I AM the True Vine!”
Over the last six episodes, I have been teaching on the seven “I AM” statements that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John. These statements fit in with the unique perspective of John which is to focus on the deity of Jesus Christ.
144 The Gospel: “I AM the True Vine.”
Over the last six episodes, I have been teaching on the seven “I AM” statements that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John. These statements fit in with the unique perspective of John which is to focus on the deity of Jesus Christ.