Tag: Holy Spirit
101 (047) – The Christian Spiritual Life.
“And a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Eccl 4:12) A study of the inter-relationship between God’s Word, the Leading of the Holy Spirit and Faith. The words Faith and confidence are often used interchangeably, but they are two different words in the Bible. Confidence is natural; Faith is supernatural or spiritual.
Christianity 401 Docx
Christianity 401 Audio
Christianity 401 Video
046 – Faith is the key to the overcoming life!
Someone recently asked me, “How do you know that it is the Lord speaking to you?” This is a question that is common to all Believers in Jesus Christ. To answer that question, let’s establish some fundamental truths.
Post 100 – Faith is the key to the overcoming life!
Someone recently asked me, “How do you know that it is the Lord speaking to you?” This is a question that is common to all Believers in Jesus Christ. To answer that question, let’s establish some fundamental truths.