Let’s review our study of going deeper into Christianity. Hebrews 6:1-3 clearly states that there are 6 fundamental faith issues that every Christian must understand and accept as truth. These truths become the foundation for growing in maturity in Christ. These truths then become the basis of making decisions in life. This is called having a Biblical or Christian Worldview. Show More
A worldview can be defined as your overall perspective from which you see and interpret the world. It’s a collection of beliefs about life that you hold as an individual.
Many people have opinions based on nothing more than feelings. These feelings are often a result of sub-conscious peer group pressures, societal pressures, family pressures, and even media pressures. For example, as individuals, we have opinions about the following issues: capital punishment, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, political party, the role of government, truth, relativism, sin, god, and church to name just a few. The question of your worldview is, how did you come to your opinion and why? Are the opinions you have taken based on whim or carefully considered thought or illumination against a foundation of core beliefs?
In western culture all morality is based on what is known, as the Judeo-Christian ethic, which is essentially the 10 commandments and the truths of the Bible. If this is true wouldn’t it makes sense that a biblical worldview is what we need to make sense of life today?
Agreeing with a biblical worldview is one thing, but here is a question, is it possible to have a set of core beliefs and be very inconsistent in how you apply those core beliefs? In other words, are you living what you believe?
The pressure to be “tolerant” often expresses itself as anything goes or “I think it’s wrong, but I wouldn’t judge someone else for doing it.” It has been said, “if you don’t stand for anything you will fall for everything!” It takes faith and courage to go against the flow of popular opinion and be a man or woman of conviction. Compromise is always wrong when it means sacrificing moral principles.
In order to have a biblical worldview, it is necessary to have as part of our core belief system certain truths such as those we have been studying in Hebrews 6:1-3. We can break up these six foundational principles into three pairs of related truths.
- First Pair – Repentance and Faith in God. These are the foundation for Salvation. Without Repentance and Faith Toward God, true spiritual growth in Christ cannot follow.
The term “saved or salvation” means to be “delivered” from. Well, that poses the question, delivered from what?
This word “salvation” is used for the deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptians (Ex 14:13), and of deliverance generally from evil or danger. In the New Testament, it is specially used with reference to the great deliverance that Jesus Christ produced from guilt and sin.
The word “saved” or Gk. word “Sozo” means to save, heal, cure, preserve, keep safe and sound, rescue from danger or destruction, deliver. To be saved from physical death by healing, and from spiritual death by forgiveness of sin and its effects. Sozo in primitive cultures is translated simply, “to give new life” and “to cause to have a new heart.” NSFLB
- If the first pair of repentance and faith toward God produces salvation; the Second Pair –Baptism and the Laying on of Hands represent the Spiritual nature of growth in obedience for victory in this life.
Baptisms – Water Baptism, Baptism of The Holy Spirit
Water baptism represents obedience to God and symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
The Laying on of hands is associated with physical and spiritual healing.
- Finally, the Third Pair – Resurrection and Eternal Judgment- recognizes that there will be judgment for all, but we as Believers have the assurance of Heaven in the next life.
Resurrection – All will rise again after physical death
Eternal Judgment – Heaven for the believer; Lake of Fire for the non-believer
When the truths of a biblical worldview make up the “lens” through which we see life and the world, it becomes so much easier to know why and what our position should be in life. While the first step is to know the truth, we are also faced with the daily responsibility of doing what we know to be true
Keep in mind that today many are presenting as “truth” personal opinion, secular humanism, and other forms of the “traditions of men.” The Apostle Paul cautions us against accepting a non-biblical worldview when he says in Colossians 2:8, “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.”
Now all of this leads us to something all believers are called to, the Great Commission! Which we will examine in the next episode.
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Until then, may God richly bless you…