In the last several posts we have focused on the gift of grace of the Father- Jesus. Then we looked at the gift of grace of Jesus– the Holy Spirit. We will now look at one more important area in which Jesus gave us gifts.
This final gift of Jesus is meant for the Church. Now it is important to distinguish between the physical church and the Spiritual church. The physical church would encompass church buildings and holdings as well as denominations and groups of which there are many. However, there is only one spiritual Church. Show More
The spiritual church is made up of all believers who are born-again, otherwise known as the body of Christ. As Jesus is now the spiritual head so His body (us) is spiritual as well. In Ephesians 1:22-23, the Apostle Paul says, “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all”. Spiritually speaking, we are the Body and Jesus is the Head!
The gifts of grace of God are for His body of believers. As important physical churches and organizations are, they are not what Jesus died for… He died for you and me. The original word for church in the New Testament is the Greek word, Ecclesia, or “called out ones”. Those who have been called out of the World into the Kingdom of God, the Spiritual Church on earth!
Jesus empowered the church with spiritual leaders to lead the way in Ephesians 4:11, “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers”, these five gifts are often referred to as the “Five-fold” Ministry gifts. Let’s briefly look at each one of these gifts to the Church.
- Apostles– are ambassadors of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ with miraculous powers: a messenger, one that is sent. Apostles go to new places to establish the body of Christ, and to ensure that churches are operating under correct doctrines or teachings. Missionaries are examples of those who are sent to establish works in foreign lands.
- Prophets- are forth-teller not fortune-tellers; they are inspired speakers of and for God. A Prophet speaks forth what Christ is saying to the church for today. A prophet encourages, edifies, and exhorts the Body of Christ.
- Evangelists- are preachers of the gospel. The gift of the Evangelist is to produce new converts with the simple Gospel of Jesus; the message of love, forgiveness, and acceptance.
- Pastors- are shepherds or those who are responsible for the care and health of the Body of Christ.
- Teachers- are instructors who teaches the truths of Jesus Christ and the Bible.
All of these are people who are called by God to equip or prepare the saints (you and I) for the work of ministry or serving. All of this is revealed in Ephesians 4:11-16.
Let me take a moment to talk about a sensitive issue regarding leaders in the church. It is easy to put leaders “on a pedestal” and then to be so disappointed when they don’t live up to expectations. Always keep in mind that ministers are human just like every other believer. They are still working through their own weaknesses and shortcomings as all believers do, even though they may be “anointed or gifted” by God. “God does not call those who are equipped to do ministry but equips those whom He calls”. This means that God is working through the Holy Spirit in bringing to maturity every leader too. Think of the greatest of the Apostles, Peter, and see the failures and disappointments that he experienced before becoming the leader that God ordained him to be.
Now the unbeliever looks at these lapses in Christian leadership and cries out “you see they are all hypocrites!” However, those who are mature Christians understand that all of us including Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers are works in progress! While it is true that the “fivefold ministry” leaders are held to a higher standard by God (James 3:1) it is important, as believers, not to judge too quickly.
Having said that, we should obviously avoid those who preach false doctrines or practice immorality, because there are those who are, as the bible describes them as, wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15).