• 182 – The Christian Journey of Salvation

    Christianity 101
    Christianity 101
    182 – The Christian Journey of Salvation

    As Christians, we commonly use the word salvation to mean being “born again.” We talk about being saved or not saved, but what does that really mean? In its most straightforward understanding, it means that by putting our faith or our trust in Jesus Christ, we are saved. Our faith is in Jesus alone, and as a result of that faith, we believe that His crucifixion, death, and resurrection purchased something that we could never obtain on our own. We believe that faith in Jesus has caused the following: our sins to be forgiven, a restored relationship with God the Father, His Holy Spirit to come live in us and that we will have eternal life with God in Heaven!

    If the above is what you believe, then you are absolutely correct; however, there is more! These facts of being forgiven, in a proper relationship with the Father, and knowing you have eternal life are the beginning of understanding what being “born-again” means. As the term born again implies, you have been spiritually reborn, and this rebirth not only changes your spirit, but it also changes your soul and body. Show More

  • 181 Walking by Faith, Pt 4. “Faith working through Love!”

    Pastor Vic's Nuggets of Truth
    Pastor Vic’s Nuggets of Truth
    181 Walking by Faith, Pt 4. “Faith working through Love!”

    Mustard Seed Faith: A Journey of Transformation

    The writer of the book of Hebrews makes it abundantly clear that it is impossible to please God without faith! The writer says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6). It is wonderful that all we need is the smallest measure of faith to start our faith walk, and Romans 12:3 tells us that the Lord graciously gives us that seed of faith. Like any seed, the destiny of that seed is to grow. Show More


  • 180 – Walking by Faith, Part 3

    Christianity 101
    Christianity 101
    180 – Walking by Faith, Part 3

    Faith Is Required To Believe What God Says About You.

    Walking by faith means trusting God completely, even when we don’t understand everything. Faith helps us live the way God wants us to. It gives us the strength to do what’s right, even when it’s hard. This message explains how faith makes us right with God, how it helps us live holy lives, and how it changes us to become better people. Show More

  • 179 Walking by Faith – Part 2

    Christianity 101
    Christianity 101
    179 Walking by Faith – Part 2

    In the last episode or post, we defined the difference between natural faith and spiritual faith. Spiritual faith is what moves the Lord. Spiritual faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as,“Now faith is the substance (guarantee) of things hoped for, the evidence (convincing proof) of things not seen.”

    Faith enables us to treat the future as present, the invisible as seen!

    Faith and Grace are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, God has extended grace through Jesus Christ. Grace, in this sense, means that God offers us free gifts. In the biblical sense, grace isn’t something you can work for; grace is not earned or deserved; grace is unconditional. Show More

  • 178 Walking by Faith, Part 1

    Christianity 101
    Christianity 101
    178 Walking by Faith, Part 1

    Throughout Christian history, every Believer has been responsible for knowing Jesus and making Him known to others. Our first responsibility is to be in a relationship with Jesus through His Holy Spirit. This means learning what Jesus purchased for us at the cross of Calvary; we are justified, saved, forgiven, made righteous, and empowered to serve the Lord. It is our faith in the one who saved us, Jesus! who enables us to be healed and made whole in our souls. 

    Our faith must be in the Lord and Him alone. When we are in a relationship with the Lord, we get to know Him in a personal way, and with that comes a trust or faith in Him and His word. Jesus has called us to become faith walkers. 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we are to, “Walk by faith and not by sight.” Our relationship is spirit to Spirit. Someone once said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience!” How true that statement is, and once accepted as truth, it changes how we see ourselves and the world we live in. Show More

  • 177 Learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit Part 5 – His Peace

    Pastor Vic's Nuggets of Truth
    Pastor Vic’s Nuggets of Truth
    177 Learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit Part 5 – His Peace

    Our final episode of this series is about learning to discern the Holy Spirit’s leading through the peace of God. In the last several episodes of this series, entitled “Learning How to be Led by the Holy Spirit,” we discussed ways the Lord communicates with us through the Holy Spirit, and they are:

    1. Holy Spirit guidance Through Conviction.
    2. Holy Spirit guidance Through the Bible.
    3. Holy Spirit guidance through recalling scripture. (Rhema Word)
    4. Holy Spirit guidance through circumstances. (Providence)
    5. Holy Spirit guidance through messengers, both spiritual and human.

    Today, we will focus on God’s peace and presence in our lives to direct our paths. 

    Isaiah 55:12 says, “For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace…” Of all the ways in which the Holy Spirit guides us, one aspect should always be present: the peace of God. God is not the author of confusion, fear, anxiety, or desperation (1 Cor 14:33). He is the God of peace because nothing is impossible with Him. God never gets nervous or anxious, and because we are in His hands, neither should we. “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful” (Col 3:15). In other words, let the peace of God be a primary influence that tells you when to take action or not to take action. Show More