Jesus is the Gospel!
- 182 – The Christian Journey of SalvationAs Christians, we commonly use the word salvation to mean being “born again.” We talk about being saved or not saved, but what does that really mean? In its most straightforward understanding, it means that by putting our faith or our trust in Jesus Christ, we are saved. Our faith is in Jesus alone, and… Read more: 182 – The Christian Journey of Salvation
- 181 Walking by Faith Pt-4, “Faith working through Love!”Mustard Seed Faith: A Journey of Transformation The writer of the book of Hebrews makes it abundantly clear that it is impossible to please God without faith! The writer says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder… Read more: 181 Walking by Faith Pt-4, “Faith working through Love!”
- 180 – Walking by Faith, Part 3Faith Is Required To Believe What God Says About You. Walking by faith means trusting God completely, even when we don’t understand everything. Faith helps us live the way God wants us to. It gives us the strength to do what’s right, even when it’s hard. This message explains how faith makes us right with… Read more: 180 – Walking by Faith, Part 3
- 179 Walking by Faith – Part 2Walking by Faith – Part 2 In the last episode or post, we defined the difference between natural faith and spiritual faith. Spiritual faith is what moves the Lord. Spiritual faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as,“Now faith is the substance (guarantee) of things hoped for, the evidence (convincing proof) of things not seen.” Faith… Read more: 179 Walking by Faith – Part 2
- 178 Walking by Faith, Part 1Throughout Christian history, every Believer has been responsible for knowing Jesus and making Him known to others. Our first responsibility is to be in a relationship with Jesus through His Holy Spirit. This means learning what Jesus purchased for us at the cross of Calvary; we are justified, saved, forgiven, made righteous, and empowered to… Read more: 178 Walking by Faith, Part 1
- 176 Learning to be led by the Holy Spirit – Part 4 – MessengersIn the last several episodes of this series entitled “Learning How to be Led by the Holy Spirit,” we talked about a number of ways the Lord communicates with us through the Holy Spirit. Today, we will look at how God uses messengers, spiritual and human, to communicate with us.
- 175 Learning to be led by the Holy Spirit – Part 3In the last episode of this series entitled “Learning How to be Led by the Holy Spirit,” we talked about two ways to be led by the Holy Spirit. The two ways were: Holy Spirit Guidance Through Conviction and Holy Spirit Guidance Through the Bible. Today, we will examine two more areas, and they are:… Read more: 175 Learning to be led by the Holy Spirit – Part 3
- 174 Learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit – Part 2How Does the Holy Spirit Guide Us? Part 2 As we have established earlier, God intends that we be led by the Holy Spirit. That means that He directs our paths. You’ve heard me say, “When you walk with God, you get to where He is going.” The Lord wants us to be where He… Read more: 174 Learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit – Part 2
- 173 Learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit! Part 1When you are born-again, you know it because of the peace and assurance that the Lord gives you to know that you are saved. When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you know it because you will speak in new tongues and move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, to move in… Read more: 173 Learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit! Part 1
- 172 Knowing the Holy Spirit.Some believe that because one belongs to a church, has a Bible, or comes from a Christian family, one is spiritual. That is not always the case. When the Bible speaks about spiritual things, it is to those who have a relationship with Jesus and have learned to “hear” the voice of the Spirit of… Read more: 172 Knowing the Holy Spirit.
- 171 Grace, Works and Faith!There has always been a controversy between the terms the Bible calls “Grace and Works.” Some have misused the terms to excuse sin; others have misused the terms to try and earn or deserve God’s blessing and favor. Both these terms, Grace and works, are important aspects of the life of a New Testament Believer… Read more: 171 Grace, Works and Faith!
- 170 – Jesus my Lord and Savior!Every Christian has heard or used the term “Jesus, my Lord and Savior! There are only five words to that statement, and yet those five words are the foundation of the entire New Testament. I think you would agree that as a Christian, I need to understand what the key three words, Jesus, Lord, and… Read more: 170 – Jesus my Lord and Savior!
- 168 Who Am I?As a Christian, it is important to know who you are! Today, there seems to be such an effort in the world to put everyone into a group or category. This suggests a real identity crisis in our cultures, societies, and countries. The Bible makes it very clear who we are: we are citizens of… Read more: 168 Who Am I?
- 167 How to be led by the Holy Spirit of God.How to be led by the Holy Spirit of God is of utmost importance. It represents the difference between working for the Lord or working with the Lord! While working for the Lord may be a sincere effort to please the Lord, it is often a work the Lord has not asked us to do. Here is an important point: if… Read more: 167 How to be led by the Holy Spirit of God.
- 166 – How do I Pray?A friend of mine asked this question about God. “When I pray, who do I pray to, God the Father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit? This is really a good question and maybe something you have wondered about as well. Let me try to explain this question first from how I approach the triune nature… Read more: 166 – How do I Pray?
- 165 Known by God!1 Corinthians 12 is the apostle Paul’s exhortation to recognize the spiritual gifts available to every believer who acknowledges the presence of the Holy Spirit in them. I quote Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:1 (NKJV), “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.” Paul was chastising the Corinthian Christians for… Read more: 165 Known by God!
- 164 The Holy Spirit in Transformation.In the last post, 163, the focus was on “Why we need the Holy Spirit.” We need the Holy Spirit to walk in righteousness, overcoming sin and defeating the enemy, the Devil. We can sum this up as the process of Sanctification. When we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives, we are… Read more: 164 The Holy Spirit in Transformation.
- 163 Why We Need the Holy Spirit!Review As I said in my last post, what we believe should be based upon the Word of God, the Bible, and not on the opinions of others. The Bible is our map to life and godliness; the Holy Spirit is our compass to help us find the one true way. Remember the way is… Read more: 163 Why We Need the Holy Spirit!
- 162 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Tongues!Jesus is the Reason we Live. As we continue to focus on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, let us not lose sight of the fact that the most important aspect of Christianity is the salvation provided by the crucifixion, death, and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nothing is more important than what Jesus accomplished… Read more: 162 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Tongues!
- 161 Pentecost and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.As a Christian, it is so important to understand what happened in Acts chapter 2; this chapter holds the key to living in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit, which was made available to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Savior Jesus is alive; He lives to actively give us everything we… Read more: 161 Pentecost and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
- 160 – Evidence for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit!I find it interesting that when we read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we don’t look at them as historical books giving an account of what happened in the past. When we look at the Gospels, we recognize that they represent something new that started with the coming of Jesus Christ in… Read more: 160 – Evidence for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit!
- 159 – The Book of Acts; The Acts of the Holy Spirit!The book of Acts in the Bible is one of 27 books of the New Testament, and the author was the Apostle Luke, the same one who wrote the Gospel of Luke. The book’s title is “Acts,” or the “Acts of the Apostles,” in particular, the acts of the apostles’ Peter and then Paul. I… Read more: 159 – The Book of Acts; The Acts of the Holy Spirit!
- 158 The Believer’s Authority, Part 2Righteousness In the beginning, before sin entered the world, Adam and Eve were in right standing with God; the Lord walked with them and talked with them; they were in a relationship. Their relationship could exist because they were innocent, and as a result, they were holy and righteous in the eyes of the Lord.… Read more: 158 The Believer’s Authority, Part 2
- 157 The Believer’s Authority in the Old TestamentGod is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Hebrews 13:8. At the very end of my Last Post, I mentioned something about the authority that we have as Believers. So, I thought I would take some time to examine this important area of spiritual authority. From the beginning of time, the Holy Spirit has been… Read more: 157 The Believer’s Authority in the Old Testament
- 156 The Believer’s Motivation!This message is intended for all those who pastor or teach others in the Christian community. I encourage you to consider what I have to say, and if it is helpful to you, then Praise the Lord! If not, then Praise the Lord again! The message has to do with what the Scriptures call “the… Read more: 156 The Believer’s Motivation!
- 155 – Jesus, the Alpha and Omega!For much of the last year, our focus has been on seeing Jesus through the Gospel of John. We looked at the seven “I AM” statements and the seven miracles of Jesus in John’s writings. Today I want to take a look at the phrase that Jesus is “the Alpha and Omega,” which is found… Read more: 155 – Jesus, the Alpha and Omega!
- 154 – Seeing Yourself as God Sees You!As born-again Christians, we understand that the enemy of our soul, the devil, wants to keep us in doubt and fear of losing our relationship with the Lord! I am sure you have heard the expression, “the Battlefield of the Mind!” The battle is between believing what God says about you as opposed to what… Read more: 154 – Seeing Yourself as God Sees You!
- 153 – Assurance in Jesus Christ!As we begin a new year, I can think of no better subject to examine than that of Assurance. One of the most important issues in becoming a strong Christian is the issue of assurance or confidence. Assurance is defined as certainty, sureness, confidence, hope, or expectation. Assurance as a Christian means that we believe in all that Jesus… Read more: 153 – Assurance in Jesus Christ!
- 152 – The Miracles of Jesus – Lazarus Raised from the Dead!Today we look at the final miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John. John the Apostle wrote about seven miracles; the final one is truly the most important and symbolic of the life to come. Remember, John chose to write about seven miracles, but John also wrote this at the end of the Gospel,… Read more: 152 – The Miracles of Jesus – Lazarus Raised from the Dead!
- 151 The Miracles of Jesus – A Blind Man Sees!The sixth of the seven miracles mentioned in the Gospel of John is the healing of the man who was born blind. This story is in John 9, and this miraculous event makes three important points. 1. The difference between the Old Covenant of Law and the New Covenant of Grace.2. The simplicity of the… Read more: 151 The Miracles of Jesus – A Blind Man Sees!