Category: Christianity 501
156 The Believer’s Motivation!
This message is intended for all those who pastor or teach others in the Christian community. I encourage you to consider what I have to say, and if it is helpful to you, then Praise the Lord! If not, then Praise the Lord again! The message has to do with what the Scriptures call “the…
155 – Jesus, the Alpha and Omega!
For much of the last year, our focus has been on seeing Jesus through the Gospel of John. We looked at the seven “I AM” statements and the seven miracles of Jesus in John’s writings. Today I want to take a look at the phrase that Jesus is “the Alpha and Omega,” which is found…
154 – Seeing Yourself as God Sees You!
As born-again Christians, we understand that the enemy of our soul, the devil, wants to keep us in doubt and fear of losing our relationship with the Lord! I am sure you have heard the expression, “the Battlefield of the Mind!” The battle is between believing what God says about you as opposed to what…
153 – Assurance in Jesus Christ!
As we begin a new year, I can think of no better subject to examine than that of Assurance. One of the most important issues in becoming a strong Christian is the issue of assurance or confidence. Assurance is defined as certainty, sureness, confidence, hope, or expectation. Assurance as a Christian means that we believe in all that Jesus…
152 – The Miracles of Jesus – Lazarus Raised from the Dead!
Today we look at the final miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John. John the Apostle wrote about seven miracles; the final one is truly the most important and symbolic of the life to come. Remember, John chose to write about seven miracles, but John also wrote this at the end of the Gospel,…
151 The Miracles of Jesus – A Blind Man Sees!
The sixth of the seven miracles mentioned in the Gospel of John is the healing of the man who was born blind. This story is in John 9, and this miraculous event makes three important points. 1. The difference between the Old Covenant of Law and the New Covenant of Grace.2. The simplicity of the…