The Pastor’s Call
“The Pastor’s Call is an incredible teaching about one’s ‘call to ministry’. Dr. Vic Torres explains Who calls you, the challenges involved, understanding what the “work of ministry” truly is and isn’t, how essential the Holy Spirit is, and the goal and true purpose for those that are being called to be in ministry.”
Total Downloads: | 1497 |
Create Date: | April 29, 2022 |
Update Date: | April 29, 2022 |
Total Files: | 2 |
The Spiritual Life. – Article
The calling is an invitation from God to an individual to co-labor with Him in the fulfillment of His purpose and plan. Along with this call comes enablement or equipping for the task. God never fails to equip those He calls. Paul the apostle tells us, “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry” (1Timothy 1:12).
Total Downloads: | 904 |
Create Date: | July 20, 2021 |
Update Date: | July 20, 2021 |
Total Files: | 2 |
Developing A Biblical Worldview – Article
The biblical principle of CITIZENSHIP is of great importance to every believer. The apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote: “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20). This Bible verse reveals that all believers in Jesus Christ are no longer “citizens” of this world, but belong instead to a far greater eternal Kingdom.
Total Downloads: | 796 |
Create Date: | July 20, 2021 |
Update Date: | July 20, 2021 |
Total Files: | 2 |
Covenants: God’s Purpose Revealed – Article
Foundational to our study of covenants is knowing that God is a Covenant-Making and a Covenant-Keeping God. Our God makes promises. Then He makes an oath upon Himself – since there is nothing greater (Hebrews 6:13) – that He will fulfill His promises. God is the supremely all-powerful Being in the universe. He has all the power and authority needed to fulfill His promises to mankind.
Total Downloads: | 789 |
Create Date: | July 20, 2021 |
Update Date: | July 20, 2021 |
Total Files: | 2 |
Seeing the Forest For The Trees – full-length book
The Bible is consistent, understandable and trustworthy. The purpose of this book is to give context or background to reading and studying the Bible. It is not meant to be exhaustive in scope nor is it meant to be a substitute for reading the Bible. Hopefully, it will provoke your interest and cause you to investigate further into the most important book ever written.